
Jeff Pew is a writer, photographer, counsellor and creative writing teacher in Kimberley, BC. He has two poetry publications: radiant danse uv being (Nightwood Editions, 2006, Jeff Pew & Stephen Roxborough, eds) and his first book of poetry One Foot In (NeoPoiesis, 2016). His poetry has been featured on CBC Radio and BC’s Poetry in Transit.

Jeff writes and photographs for several publications about the unique people and places of the Kootenays.


radiant danse uv being
One Foot In

Recognition & Press

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy Award
Poetry In Transit, poem on BC Transit buses
CBC - North by Northwest - 2006
CBC - North by Northwest - 2017


Kootenay Mountain Culture
Kootenay Media
Resorts of the Canadian Rockies